Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway Notes on the Next War . 1935.

“Cat in the Rain” (1925)


On the surface, Hemingway’s “Cat in the Rain” is about a married American couple staying the night at an Italian hotel on a rainy night. The wife is restless and sees a cat outside that she wants to rescue, saying that “it isn’t any fun to be a poor kitty that is caught out in the rain.” Under the surface, we can pick up on the wife’s desire for the things that her life lacks due to her travelling abroad, progressive, and non-materialistic lifestyle that she shares with her husband. At the expense of having it all and seeing the world, the couple is missing out on traditional life experiences and community. This work was written during the time that Hemingway was perfecting his minimalist style, and it would have been a sin to not include a Hemingway story in my literary minimalism blog.

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